Diving Tips

How to buy your equipment, how to improve your performance, your underwater skills… Get ready to follow our good advice to improve your diving. Remember that we cannot replace your instructor, but we are getting dangerously close.


What basic equipment do I need for diving?

What is officially called Total Diving Equipment, consists of: mask, fins, BCD (also called BCD: Buyancy Control Device or CF: Buoyancy Compensator), regulator, wetsuit (must include booties), dive computer. (Air tank and weights are not usually included as part of the equipment, although they are essential for diving, as they are usually rented from the dive center).

Can I rent diving equipment or do I have to buy it?

You can do both. When you are just starting out it is best to rent and try out different options. However, if you plan to dive frequently, it is advisable to buy your own equipment, to choose what best suits your needs. Don’t forget to dive into our catalogue for ideas and the best deals.

Can I buy diving equipment separately and gradually?

Of course. But keep in mind that you will always need a full set of equipment to dive, so what you haven’t bought yet you will have to rent. Check out our online shop to see where to start.

How many dives does it take to amortize a full set of diving equipment?

It will always depend on the equipment you buy and the dives you do. A full set of mid-range equipment can pay for itself in about 30-40 dives.

How should I take care of my diving equipment?

With love 😉. You should desalinate it, i.e. rinse it with fresh water, after each dive and store it in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing it in very small bags or suitcases that can put too much pressure on the equipment, especially if you are going to store it for a long time. This could damage parts or deform the fins, for example.

Can I travel with my diving equipment?

Of course you can, in fact, it is the best thing to do if you have it. You should make sure to pack it securely to avoid damage during transport. It is highly recommended that you use the right bags for this purpose. If you don’t have one, it’s best to use a hard suitcase, at least at its bottom.

Does the diving equipment require maintenance?

Definitely yes, it is advisable to do regular maintenance to ensure optimum performance, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Especially regulator and waistcoat, whose critical element are the O-rings, which tend to dry out and crack with use or time. If you are not qualified, it is better not to do it yourself, but to look for a specialised centre.

Is it safe to buy used diving equipment?

We do not recommend it, unless it is from a person or dive centre you trust. Our life depends on it underwater and we don’t want to have unforeseen failures, just to save a little money. If you don’t have a big budget, it is always better to buy it little by little or take that risk.

Can I share my diving equipment with other people?

We do not recommend this. For reasons of hygiene and fit, it is better for each diver to have his own equipment.

Do I need different diving equipment for different diving conditions?

Yes, different diving conditions may require different equipment. For example, diving in cold water requires a different wetsuit than diving in warm water.

How much does a full set of diving equipment cost?

It can vary widely, a complete mid-range kit can cost around 1,000 euros. We suggest you visit our online shop to see which options are best suited to your budget. When in doubt, rent first before you buy.

How much does a complete set of diving equipment weigh?

It can weigh between 25 and 35 kg, depending on the components. Bottles in Europe and the United States are usually made of steel, so the total weight will be higher. In other countries, they are made of aluminium, which lightens the weight considerably.

Can I use my diving equipment in fresh and salt water?

Yes, scuba diving equipment is designed for both. Remember to rinse it thoroughly after use in salt water to prevent corrosion.

Is it necessary to take a course to be able to dive?

It is essential. Remember that water is not our element and, although you can breathe perfectly well, at a depth of many metres, it is necessary to know the risks and how to prevent them, you must know how the equipment works very well and practice in order to dive safely and confidently.

Which qualification is better PADI or SSI?

Both qualifications are similar. The big difference is that to do an SSI course you have to find a dive centre, while PADI instructors can go on their own. Otherwise, the courses, levels and teachings are very similar, although SSI has several courses with very specific specialities, redundancy aside. It is also possible to combine courses of both qualifications.

What courses do I need to start diving?

The course you should choose is the Open Water Diver (OWD). If you have never dived before, it is best to do a try dive to find out if you really like diving. If you are here you probably will 😉.

What is a diving baptism?

This is a dive where an instructor accompanies you at all times and handles all your equipment to ensure your safety and comfort. The aim is not to learn how to dive, but to experience the experience and discover scuba diving to see if you like it and if you feel comfortable. If the answer is yes, you should take a course to become a scuba diver.

Do I need more diving courses in addition to the basic course?

If you want to enjoy scuba diving, it is highly recommended that you take the Advance Open Water Diver (AOWD) course. This will allow you to do deep dives, night dives and wreck dives. These types of dives are very frequent and interesting. You should not miss them if you like scuba diving.

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